Building a Python Script for Google Search Using `googlesearch-python`

Answered using GPT 40 by GPT40


how build python script google search


To build a Python script that performs Google searches, you can use the googlesearch-python library, which provides a simple interface for querying Google Search. Below are the steps to create a basic script that performs a Google search and prints the results.

Step 1: Install the Required Library

First, you need to install the googlesearch-python library. You can do this using pip:

pip install googlesearch-python

Step 2: Write the Python Script

Create a Python script (e.g., and add the following code:

from googlesearch import search

def google_search(query, num_results=10):
    Perform a Google search and return the results.

    :param query: The search query.
    :param num_results: The number of results to return.
    :return: A list of URLs.
        # Perform the search
        search_results = search(query, num_results=num_results)
        return list(search_results)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
        return []

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example usage
    query = "Python programming"
    results = google_search(query, num_results=10)
    print(f"Top {len(results)} results for '{query}':")
    for idx, result in enumerate(results, start=1):
        print(f"{idx}. {result}")

Step 3: Run the Script

You can run the script from the command line:



  1. Import the search function: The search function from the googlesearch module is used to perform the Google search.

  2. Define the google_search function: This function takes a search query and the number of results to return. It uses the search function to perform the search and returns a list of URLs.

  3. Handle exceptions: The function includes a try-except block to handle any exceptions that may occur during the search.

  4. Example usage: In the __main__ block, an example query is defined, and the google_search function is called. The results are then printed to the console.


  • Rate Limiting: Be aware that Google may rate-limit your requests if you make too many in a short period. Use this script responsibly.
  • API Key: For more extensive and reliable usage, consider using the Google Custom Search JSON API, which requires an API key and a custom search engine ID. This approach is more robust and adheres to Google's terms of service.

Using Google Custom Search JSON API

If you need a more reliable and scalable solution, you can use the Google Custom Search JSON API. Here’s a brief overview of how to set it up:

  1. Create a Custom Search Engine: Go to the Google Custom Search Engine and create a new search engine.

  2. Get an API Key: Go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, and enable the Custom Search API. Then, generate an API key.

  3. Install the requests library: If you haven't already, install the requests library:

    pip install requests
  4. Write the Script:

    import requests
    def google_search(query, api_key, cse_id, num_results=10):
        Perform a Google search using the Custom Search JSON API.
        :param query: The search query.
        :param api_key: Your API key.
        :param cse_id: Your custom search engine ID.
        :param num_results: The number of results to return.
        :return: A list of URLs.
        search_url = ""
        params = {
            'q': query,
            'key': api_key,
            'cx': cse_id,
            'num': num_results
        response = requests.get(search_url, params=params)
        results = response.json().get('items', [])
        return [item['link'] for item in results]
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Example usage
        query = "Python programming"
        api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
        cse_id = "YOUR_CSE_ID"
        results = google_search(query, api_key, cse_id, num_results=10)
        print(f"Top {len(results)} results for '{query}':")
        for idx, result in enumerate(results, start=1):
            print(f"{idx}. {result}")

Replace YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_CSE_ID with your actual API key and custom search engine ID.

This approach is more reliable and adheres to Google's terms of service, making it suitable for production use.