Thesis Structure on Butler's Concepts in Crimp's Plays

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Can I write a 5 chapters thesis on this topic? What would you suggest for its arrangement? Applying Butler's key concepts such as gender performativity, gender subversive Act, interpellation, etc on Martin Crimp's play The Treatment, Attempts on her life, and the city


Yes, you can certainly write a five-chapter thesis on the application of Judith Butler's key concepts to Martin Crimp's plays "The Treatment," "Attempts on Her Life," and "The City." Below is a suggested arrangement for your thesis, along with a brief description of what each chapter could cover:

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Overview of the Thesis: Introduce the main themes of your thesis, including the significance of Butler's theories in contemporary performance studies.
  • Contextual Background: Provide a brief overview of Judith Butler's key concepts, such as gender performativity, interpellation, and gender subversive acts.
  • Introduction to Martin Crimp: Offer a brief biography of Martin Crimp and an overview of the three plays you will analyze.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your argument and the objectives of your research.

Chapter 2: Gender Performativity in Crimp's Plays

  • Definition and Explanation: Discuss Butler's concept of gender performativity and how it relates to identity formation.
  • Analysis of "The Treatment": Explore how characters in "The Treatment" perform gender roles and how these performances reveal societal norms.
  • Analysis of "Attempts on Her Life": Examine the fluidity of gender identity in this play and how it challenges traditional notions of gender.
  • Analysis of "The City": Investigate how the characters' interactions and dialogues reflect performative aspects of gender.

Chapter 3: Interpellation and Identity Formation

  • Definition and Explanation: Explain the concept of interpellation and its relevance to identity and subjectivity.
  • Interpellation in "The Treatment": Analyze how characters are interpellated by societal expectations and how this affects their identities.
  • Interpellation in "Attempts on Her Life": Discuss how the fragmented narratives and multiple identities challenge the notion of a singular self.
  • Interpellation in "The City": Explore how the urban setting serves as a site of interpellation and identity negotiation.

Chapter 4: Gender Subversive Acts

  • Definition and Explanation: Define gender subversive acts and their role in challenging normative gender constructs.
  • Subversive Acts in "The Treatment": Identify moments in the play where characters subvert traditional gender roles.
  • Subversive Acts in "Attempts on Her Life": Analyze how the play's structure and content disrupt conventional narratives around gender.
  • Subversive Acts in "The City": Discuss how the characters' actions and dialogues serve as acts of resistance against gender norms.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Implications

  • Summary of Findings: Recap the main arguments and insights from each chapter.
  • Implications for Performance Studies: Discuss the broader implications of your findings for the study of gender in contemporary theatre.
  • Future Research Directions: Suggest areas for further research that could build on your work, such as exploring other playwrights or different theoretical frameworks.

Additional Considerations:

  • Methodology: Consider including a section in the introduction or methodology chapter that outlines your analytical approach and how you will apply Butler's concepts to the texts.
  • Literature Review: You may also want to include a literature review that discusses existing scholarship on Butler's theories and Crimp's works.

This structure should provide a comprehensive framework for your thesis, allowing you to explore the intersection of Butler's theories and Crimp's plays in depth. Good luck with your writing!