Modify JSON Data to Match Reference Schema and Translate to Egyptian Arabic

Answered using GPT 40 by GPT40


i have reference json schema i want to modify all the json data that i have to be like this schema and translate the needed fields also and translate the instructions in Egyptian language, and leave the null as null please just output the json modified data each json one in a separate box to easily copy it.

this is the reference json schema:

{ "id": "3_4_Sit-Up", "name_en": "3/4 Sit-Up", "force_en": "pull", "force_ar": "سحب", "mechanic_en": "compound", "mechanic_ar": "مركب", "equipment_en": "body only", "equipment_ar": "الجسم فقط", "category_en": "strength", "category_ar": "قوة", "level_en": "beginner", "level_ar": "مبتدئ", "primaryMuscles_en": ["abdominals"], "primaryMuscles_ar": ["عضلات البطن"], "secondaryMuscles_en": [], "secondaryMuscles_ar": [], "instructions_en": [ "Lie down on the floor and secure your feet. Your legs should be bent at the knees.", "Place your hands behind or to the side of your head. You will begin with your back on t


Sure, please provide the JSON data that you want to modify according to the reference schema.