Creating a 1000Hz Input Script for DualShock 4 Using vgamepad in Python

Answered using GPT 40 by GPT40


Dualshock 4 but I want a 1000hz non stop script with vgamepad Python


To create a script that sends inputs to a DualShock 4 controller at a 1000Hz rate using the vgamepad library in Python, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary libraries:

    • vgamepad: This library allows you to emulate gamepad inputs.
    • pywin32: This library is required for vgamepad to work on Windows.

    You can install these libraries using pip:

    pip install vgamepad pywin32
  2. Create the script:

    • The script will continuously send inputs to the virtual gamepad at a 1000Hz rate. This means it will send inputs every 1 millisecond.

Here is an example script that demonstrates how to achieve this:

import vgamepad as vg
import time

# Create a virtual gamepad object
gamepad = vg.VX360Gamepad()

# Function to send inputs to the gamepad
def send_inputs():
    while True:
        # Example: Press and release the 'A' button
        time.sleep(0.001)  # Sleep for 1 millisecond (1000Hz)
        time.sleep(0.001)  # Sleep for 1 millisecond (1000Hz)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Script terminated by user.")


  • Importing Libraries: The script imports the vgamepad library for emulating gamepad inputs and the time library for controlling the timing of the inputs.
  • Creating a Gamepad Object: The gamepad object is created using vg.VX360Gamepad(), which emulates an Xbox 360 controller. The DualShock 4 controller can be emulated similarly, but for simplicity, we use the Xbox 360 controller in this example.
  • Sending Inputs: The send_inputs function continuously sends inputs to the gamepad. In this example, it presses and releases the 'A' button every millisecond.
  • Timing Control: The time.sleep(0.001) function is used to create a 1-millisecond delay between each input, achieving a 1000Hz rate.


  • Performance Considerations: Running a script at 1000Hz can be demanding on the CPU. Ensure your system can handle this load.
  • Safety: The script runs indefinitely until interrupted by the user (e.g., pressing Ctrl+C). Ensure you have a way to stop the script safely.

This script provides a basic framework for sending inputs at a high frequency. You can modify the send_inputs function to send different types of inputs or to implement more complex input patterns as needed.