Adding Mean Pitch Intervals to TextGrid with PraatIO in Python

Answered using GPT 40 by GPT40


praat add to textgrid intervals with mean pitch for every phonem in python using praatio


To add intervals with mean pitch for every phoneme in a TextGrid using the praatio library in Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install PraatIO: If you haven't already, you can install the praatio library using pip:

    pip install praatio
  2. Load the TextGrid: Use praatio to load your TextGrid file.

  3. Extract Phoneme Intervals: Iterate through the phoneme intervals to calculate the mean pitch for each phoneme.

  4. Create New Intervals: Add new intervals to the TextGrid with the mean pitch values.

  5. Save the Updated TextGrid: Save the modified TextGrid back to a file.

Here's a sample code snippet that demonstrates how to do this:

from praatio import tgio
import numpy as np
import os

def calculate_mean_pitch(pitch_file, start, end):
    # Load the pitch file
    pitch_data = tgio.openTextGrid(pitch_file)
    # Extract pitch values within the specified interval
    pitch_values = []
    for interval in pitch_data['Pitch'].intervals:
        if interval.start >= start and interval.end <= end:
    # Calculate mean pitch, ignoring NaN values
    if pitch_values:
        return np.nanmean(pitch_values)
        return None

def add_mean_pitch_to_textgrid(textgrid_file, pitch_file, output_file):
    # Load the TextGrid
    tg = tgio.openTextGrid(textgrid_file)
    # Create a new tier for mean pitch
    mean_pitch_tier = tgio.IntervalTier("MeanPitch", [])
    # Iterate through phoneme intervals
    for interval in tg.tiers[0].intervals:  # Assuming phonemes are in the first tier
        start = interval.start
        end = interval.end
        mean_pitch = calculate_mean_pitch(pitch_file, start, end)
        if mean_pitch is not None:
            mean_pitch_tier.addInterval(start, end, str(mean_pitch))
    # Add the mean pitch tier to the TextGrid
    # Save the updated TextGrid

# Example usage
textgrid_file = 'path/to/your/textgrid.TextGrid'
pitch_file = 'path/to/your/pitch.TextGrid'  # Assuming you have a pitch TextGrid
output_file = 'path/to/your/output.TextGrid'

add_mean_pitch_to_textgrid(textgrid_file, pitch_file, output_file)


  • This code assumes that you have a separate pitch TextGrid file that contains pitch values. If you have a different format (like a .wav file), you may need to extract pitch values using Praat or another method before using this code.
  • The code calculates the mean pitch for each phoneme interval and adds it to a new tier in the TextGrid.
  • Make sure to adjust the paths to your TextGrid and pitch files accordingly.
  • The calculate_mean_pitch function assumes that pitch values are stored in a specific format. You may need to modify it based on how your pitch data is structured.