Birthday Song for Celine Mary from Her Loving Uncle

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write a song lyrics for my niece her name is Celine Mary, she is almost 1 year birthday song this song is presented by her uncle who loves her and protect her also include lyrics about her cuteness, smile, cheekiness, angelic heart.


(Verse 1) Oh, Celine Mary, it's your special day, One year old, and you're lighting up the way. With your tiny hands and your sparkling eyes, You bring so much joy, oh how time flies.

(Chorus) Happy Birthday, Celine Mary, Your smile's so bright, it's extraordinary. With your cheeky grin and your angelic heart, From the very start, you've been our shining star.

(Verse 2) Your giggles fill the room with endless cheer, Every moment with you, we hold so dear. Your cuteness is a gift, a precious sight, In your uncle's arms, everything feels right.

(Chorus) Happy Birthday, Celine Mary, Your smile's so bright, it's extraordinary. With your cheeky grin and your angelic heart, From the very start, you've been our shining star.

(Bridge) Oh, little one, as you grow and explore, Know your uncle's love will forever endure. I'll protect you, guide you, every step you take, In this journey of life, every move you make.

(Verse 3) So here's to you, our sweet little queen, One year of love, and so much more to be seen. With every laugh and every tiny tear, Know that your uncle will always be near.

(Chorus) Happy Birthday, Celine Mary, Your smile's so bright, it's extraordinary. With your cheeky grin and your angelic heart, From the very start, you've been our shining star.

(Outro) Oh, Celine Mary, you're our precious one, With you in our lives, the joy's just begun. Happy Birthday, darling, may your dreams take flight, In your uncle's eyes, you're the purest light.