
GPT40 使用 GPT 40 回答


针对于下这个有询盘,我先不想报价,想先确认他的问题的采购需求,帮我简单的组织一下语言,用英文输出 Subject: Comprehensive Product Inquiry and Competitive Pricing Proposal

Dear Supplier,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am reaching out to confirm the availability of specific products and to request detailed pricing information. Below is a comprehensive list of the items we are interested in acquiring for our new business venture in Australia. We believe that partnering with your company can significantly enhance our offerings and help us dominate the market.

Detailed Product List

Collariums (3 machines)

  1. Collarium Canopy

  2. Collarium Premium Bed

  3. Collarium Stand Up

Solariums (6 machines)

  1. Solarium Canopy
    • [Solarium Classic Canopy](http

Subject: Clarification on Product Specifications and Procurement Needs

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding our products. Before we proceed with providing a detailed pricing proposal, we would like to gain a better understanding of your specific procurement needs and any particular requirements you may have.

Could you please provide more details on the following:

  1. Product Specifications: Are there any specific features or customizations you require for the Collariums and Solariums listed?
  2. Quantity and Delivery: What are your expected order quantities and delivery timelines for each product?
  3. Usage and Application: Could you share more about the intended use and target market for these products in your new business venture in Australia?
  4. Budget Considerations: Do you have a budget range in mind for this procurement?

Your detailed responses will help us tailor our offerings to better meet your needs and ensure we provide the most competitive pricing.

Looking forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]
[Your Company Name]